New funding to tackle social isolation in Hart

Tackling isolation in Hart

A small grants scheme has been launched by Hart District Council in partnership with Hart
Voluntary Action to support projects which aim to reduce social isolation and
improve wellbeing.

The Community Connections scheme will focus on residents considered to be ‘clinically
vulnerable’ or ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ as identified by the NHS

Many in the Hart community have been adversely affected by the isolation that shielding and
lockdowns have imposed and the funding will be used to help people regain their
independence and confidence and reduce loneliness.

Voluntary groups, community organisations, and parish and town councils are invited to
submit their ideas and projects considered to meet the aims and remit of the
programme can apply for a grant of up to £2,500.

Practical support and guidance will be available to help organisations develop their ideas

Councillor Stuart Bailey, Cabinet member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “The pandemic
has had a profound effect on all our lives and particularly so for many of our residents who
are living with long-term health conditions.

“We are delighted to be working with Hart Voluntary Action to launch this fund which will help
mitigate some of the impacts of the past year by supporting people to connect with
others, regain confidence and improve their wellbeing.”

Due to ongoing uncertainty around the duration and extent of COVID-related social
restrictions, the fund welcomes ideas for both projects that can be delivered remotely, for
example through virtual activities, and those that could be delivered in-person once it is safe
and permitted to do so.

Full guidance on the remit of the Community Connections Grant and how to apply can be
found at  at

Rose Tapper
Author: Rose Tapper