Building Resilience in your Business – Hampshire Chambers

Building Resilience in your Business – Wed, 20 January 2021

Recent events have proven to us that unexpected events can take the world by surprise.

So how as a business owner can you build resilience in your business. This could be to prepare for the unexpected:

• The unexpected death or illness of shareholders, key people

• Product lines or revenue streams that no longer deliver the same return

• Individuals leaving/being poached by competitors or you needing to release members of the team but not wanting to lose the culture you’ve created

• Managing personal income and cash flow in the business can be more challenging than ever before

• Difficult to predict what’s going to happen and the impact this may have on your business

This session will focus on how you can build resilience in your business. This could be about protecting it against unexpected events or putting ‘shock absorbers’ in your business model to help manage unexpected events.

For more details and to book click here.